Once Upon a Time...
Whew! We got into San Diego on Saturday afternoon, and ever since then it's been 'Go-Time'. Saturday night I went to see The Lion King with my Mom, Karly and Kloe at the Pantages (Mack and his Daddy stayed home and goofed off with Grandpa). No surprises there! It was AMAZING! I'd never been inside the Pantages before, and let me tell you, it was stunning. The inside is all very 1920s/30s art deco. I can't believe it was never "remodeled" or torn down. Thank goodness. Sunday morning was the usual--Church--but in ENGLISH, which was much more relaxing. Straight after coming home, we ate and then my Mom and I were off again, this time to a Sing-along Messiah with the La Jolla Symphony. Kassey, you may think I'm weird but it was actually mucho fun. I tried singing alto because I didn't want to sit by myself in the soprano (I didn't come all the way from Mexico to be alone), I held in there for most of it but by the end I was basically a lost cause. On Monday my Mom, Mack and I headed down to Ikea after Mack's morning nap. Tyler opted to stay home get Gyros at Daphne's with my Dad. That night after Family Night (which was going to see Deck The Halls--not so good, but at least we were the only ones in the theater so Kloe could try sitting in every row throughout the movie), my Mom and I were off to run a few late night errands. REALLY. Erands until MIDNIGHT. I can't tell you what we were doing because I could spoil things, but we were both pretty tired by the end of it. Tuesday, Tuesday. What can I tell you about Tuesday? We got lunch at CostCo with my parents (basically Tyler's second favorite place to eat after Daphne's), then Mack had a quick doctor's appointment where they checked his hemoglobin (perfect) and gave him his second round of the flu shot. He complained a little bit to the nurse after she gave him his flu shot and didn't even notice the finger prick. Good nurse and GREAT boy! Last night my Mom and I went to a not so great Enrichment. All the women there were griping about their husbands and children (sheesh!), and there wasn't enough food. It was a progressive dinner. Isn't food kinda the point? That brings me to today. Wednesday and I'm blogging. The end.
Wait! a few more things.
Sorry there still aren't any pictures of Mack. I have to convince my Dad to let me add another internet browser on his computer because that's the only way I know to post pics with a Mac. And a quick tip to any of you out there who might be flying with young children this holiday season: little baby cheeks get very dry on the airplane. Try to bring a sample size of lotion for your darling. Also, I always forget how cold airplanes are. brrrr! What helped us adjust Mack to the time zone change was literally 'forcing' it. We switched all his meals to the new time as soon as we got there and tried not to let him go to bed early. The rest just fell into place after that. GOOD LUCK!!!!
What a fun busy time you're having!
Lotion for baby cheeks...got it. Thx.
Shoot, we were gonna keep ours on Eastern Standard Time for the entire week...to bed at 5pm, up at 3am. Maybe not so good a plan.
That was so fun to read! I'm jealous of your pre-holiday party!! I still have two finals, but FRIDAY I'll be home!! WOO HOO! I miss you fern! I think you're awesome and I love reading about Mack and you and Ty. Merry Christmas!
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