Saturday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day

From us to you, Happy St. Valentine's Day! We're certainly feeling the love here. Yesterday Tyler brought home 15 white and red tulips from Pike's, along with a SUBSTANTIAL gift card to these restaurants. He 'won' the gift card at work, but really he earned it. This morning I made all the men in my life heart shaped pancakes. Hank loved it. Mack requested, "No. No pictures please." Sorry, I didn't take a picture of Tyler. He was looking TOO good and I just didn't want to share him (plus he was sportin' bed head and PJ's?).

We've got a lovely day ahead of us: Meeting up with Nathan and Amy at the Pacific Science Center to watch an IMAX. Dinner will be heart shaped meatloaf at home and then Tyler and I are going to the Orchestra. Followed by some kind of fancy restaurant dessert. Love is in the air!
(I would like to defend this cheesy post by pointing out that it is Valentine's Day, and therefore mushy, cliche posting is perfectly acceptable.)


Mama P said...

I would have loved to see Tyler this morning, you shouldn't be so selfish. Kloe is cooking us all brunch here at home. I hope Mack gets over his shyness soon. Love Henry's smile and I love all of you and I love the post and I just love, love, love today. Sappy enough?

me said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Your boys are just too cute:) Hope you have a fun date tonight!

Anonymous said...

i like your kids a lot. they are pretty cute. my favorite nephews without a doubt :D