Sunday, January 21

Ha. Ha.

I think that the universe is trying to play some sort of sick joke on me. All the "words" in blogger have been translated into Spanish. Is this supposed to be funny? I don't speak Spanish. Sue me. It's not enough to be constantly reminded of it every time I leave the house or whenever I happen to actually speak to someone besides me husband, Blogger has to gang up on me too. Thanks a lot Blogger. Since Blogger Spanish isn't too complicated, it's just mildly inconvenient (which somehow makes it all mildly more annoying).
Sunday at the Thompson Casita is going well. The front half is clean, including the kitchen, we ate a good mid-day meal, Mack took a half descent afternoon nap and the playoffs are on TV. Mack officially took is first...not steps because he wasn't walking, what do you call crawling? Whatever it is he did it. He officially CRAWLED. He picked up and moved each hand and each knee. We're very proud and a very nervous. Our place here is one gigantic death trap. Sharp corners everywhere you look and fire in the middle of the room to boot. I've tried rearranging things a couple of times to make a safe zone for Mack but nothing works.
I skipped out on Church today because I am an evil and lazy person. Not. Yesterday I got this crazy idea in my head that Sunday should be a day of rest and in order to relax everything needed to be clean. Obviously this was a stupid idea because I went to move the table with our TV on it--our little, tiny, practically doll sized, purple TV--and hurt my back. Badly. I've never hurt my back before for two reasons: 1) I'm very careful every time I move (which is often) and 2) Only wimpy 60 year old women hurt their back. Grr. It's gotten better I guess because I can sit at the computer, but getting up from this chair won't be fun. Hmm, did you know "Ver blog" means view blog? I didn't. But I do now. Thank you not at all universe. I don't like being taught things without knowing about it first.
Furthermore, Mack is hilarious! Like all babies, his favorite toys are either not actual "toys" or dangerous. To illustrate this point, I present the following:

Mack's Top Toy List
1. Remote control (doesn't work thanks to drool=official toy)
2. Disposable plastic wipes container
3. Desitin tube
4. Hot Wheels car still in the packaging (a gift from a woman in our ward)
5. Paper, magazines, cardboard, etc.
6. Foam padding under our rug
7. Daddy's shoes
8. Tags (the ones attached to other toys)
9. My hair
10. Pretzel bucket (Daddy had to eat 5lbs of pretzels so Mack could play with it)
Last week was busy. We went to Texas on Friday so Tyler could take a "test" for a prospective employer. Mack and I hung out in the McAllen Memorial Library for 2 hrs while Tyler was busy in "Study Room A". Mack had a blast scooting all over their little kids rug, even looking under the edges for stuff to chew on (see #6 above). And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Left to Right: Tyler reads Harry Potter to Mack in Spanish while Mack stays busy with a little Dr. Suess. This Pic is currently our desktop background. Mack loves peeking around the corner of his fort looking for Mommy and Daddy.

Our heater, basically it's a fire in there in the middle that turns on and off at will. My mom thinks its from the 40's--she's probably right.

These pics are from earlier today. Those things on Mack's feet are the monster slippers I made for him a day or so back. We all think they're silly. The last picture is Mack crawling for the first time. AHH! Love Him!
(click any of these pictures to make them bigger)


Anonymous said...

Yea! I love the pics. They really cheereup my day. We love and miss you!

j:) said...

Ha ha :) your blog made me laugh. Not at you but with you. Dang spanish everything! This may be an unwanted comment but...maybe you should learn spanish? I would like to learn spanish. Maybe we can learn together. Sterling can make you a copy of the Rossetta Stone cd. He's getting me one. Anyways, on another note. I love the monster slippers!! and I'm so proud of Mack for crawling!! We have a fence that secludes the puppy we have. I'm sure they make something similar to that for babies so you can keep him away from the fire in the middle of the room :)Good luck with that! And of course, cute pictures.

Angela said...

I thought you might appreciate that I had to order my sub in spanish at the BYU-Courgar-eat today. Well, not the whole thing, but the low-fat mayo part she didn't really get. I miss you so stinkin' bad. So, the end of May, ey? I'm going to try and work in Idaho this summer so that way I can be closer to Jo and the buddies up there. SO I will RUN to SLC if I have to at the end of may to come and see you. Fern, I feel like Mack and I are buddies.

Angela said...

I thought you might appreciate that I had to order my sub in spanish at the BYU-Courgar-eat today. Well, not the whole thing, but the low-fat mayo part she didn't really get. I miss you so stinkin' bad. So, the end of May, ey? I'm going to try and work in Idaho this summer so that way I can be closer to Jo and the buddies up there. SO I will RUN to SLC if I have to at the end of may to come and see you. Fern, I feel like Mack and I are buddies.