Sunday, January 28

It's nap time. One of my favorite times. Usually, Mack goes down for his afternoon nap at about 1pm, but on Sundays he waits until 2pm when we're home from church and he's eaten lunch. Tyler went home teaching this afternoon so it was just Mack and me. He wasn't really in the mood to nap. I could hear him singing to himself and pulling his puppy dog's tail to make music, then after a while everything was quiet. I went to check on him and this is what I found. At least he wasn't face down, which he likes to do sometimes just to keep Ty and me on our toes.This is what Mack looks like on days he REALLY doesn't want to nap. Fun... but mostly sad.


Anonymous said...

AWWW!! He is soooo sweeeet!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!! He is soooo sweeeet!!!!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!! He is soooo sweeeet!!!!

Anonymous said...

He doesn't have to nap at my house. I'll play with him all day. Can't wait ti see you guys on Friday.

Grandma K

Shauna said...

Wow, cool, he sleeps with the bink in his mouth! I've always wanted one that did that.

Man, the days they don't take naps I'm like, "Baby for sale! Only slightly defective!" Just kidding. Mack's such a cute little prisoner.

Anonymous said...

so i clicked on the crib pic to get a closer look and .. how sad!! you can acutally see little tears ohhhhhhh poor macky poo.
tante kass

jessica_june said...

So cute! It is good to see what your up to and know that everything is great. Love ya.